Jumat, 31 Juli 2015

The man accused of 40,000 murders - BBC News

Hissene Habre - the former leader of Chad - faces trial in Senegal for atrocities committed between 1982 and 1990. BBC Africa explains who he is and what exactly he is accused of.
Known by some as “Africa’s pinochet” for atrocities allegedly commited during his rule. Chadian commission on enquiry said his goverment carried out some 40.000 murders 200.000 cases of torture
Human right watch says member of ethnic griup seen as opposed to Mr.Habre were targeted his political police force is accused of some ot the worst abuses.
Survivor says common forms of totrure included, electric shocks, near-asphyxia, cigarette burn, gas squirted in eyes. Alleged victims have tried to bring Mr.Habre to justice since 1990 but year of wragling over whether he sould be tried in africa or europe have delay proceeding senegal agreed to host the case after the african union urged it to try Mr.Habre “on behalf on Africa” has country has been home to Mr.Habre since he field chad in 1990 it will be the first time the courts of one african country prosecute the former ruler of another for human right abuse hissene Habre denies any knowledge of murder and torture.



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